Portraits in November

November 7, 2009

Alicia and Jamin's wedding was pure Seattle. I met up with the bride as she got her hair and makeup done and her Capitol Hill apartment. It was a cold, windy but beautiful November day and we soon headed for Broadway Ave and the All Pilgrims Church where the ceremony would be held. The girl's got ready and the boys arrived with fellow photographer Josie Liming. Alicia and Jamin choose not to see each other until the ceremony so Josie and I coordinated portrait session along Broadway and in the Capitol Hill neighborhoods. We both found some great locations and had a lot of fun with these portrait sessions. After the wedding the bride, groom and I took another walk along Broadway, this time after dark and took some more great portraits utilizing the local store fronts, crosswalks and a very patient crowd at Joe Bar, the local coffee shop. We took a yellow cab (cool!) to their reception at the Lake Union Cafe, with fabulous food, an old fashion photo booth and quite the dance party! This wedding was a ton of fun!


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